FERGUSON, MO. (KTVI) — Hundreds stood in line, and tried to stay out of jail, on day 2 of the Better Family Life Amnesty Project.
“I miss driving,” laughed Lanna Green. “I want to be legit, instead of il-legit.”
She stood in Ferguson, with others who wanted the same thing during the foundation’s Family Week. Thousands were expected to visit the gymnasium at the St. Louis Community College Florissant Valley campus in Ferguson. Organizers said most participants could not afford the first traffic or parking ticket they got, much less the mounting court costs. But, Green said she was too busy trying to survive two massive heart attacks.
“And, when I went to go take care of (the ticket), I winded up getting back sick again,” she said. “I got a warrant. I want to erase that warrant so that I can start back driving.”
Better Family Life’s James Clark said such warrants could make it impossible to get good housing and keep good jobs.
“In some instances, this can be a matter of life and death,” Clark said. “We have heard of individuals who were afraid to drive, so they could not make doctor’s appointments.”
So, the men and women sitting in the bleachers asked for help with their cases. But, one man asked for help saving lives.
“I am a heart transplant recipient,” he announced.
“If someone needs an alternator, they can go to Napa (Auto Parts),” Clark explained. “But, if someone needs a lung or a kidney or a heart transplant, you have to go to Mid-America Transplant Services.”
So, participants filled out forms to get amnesty and to give of themselves as organ donors.
“If a person fills that form out,” Clark said. “They could potentially save a life.”
The final misdemeanor-amnesty day will be at the St. Louis Community College at Forest Park.
5600 Oakland Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
Those seeking amnesty from felony child-support warrants can find help at the Better Family Life offices.
5415 Page Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63112
August 17th, 21st, and 31st from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. each day.
Link: Better Family Life — Home
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